Thursday, 24 October 2013

Amr Moussa: No ‘pressure’ on constitution amendment committee

Amr Moussa, the head of the 50-member constitution amendment committee, denied allegations that the committee is under external pressure. He also said that the Armed Forces and its representatives on the panel have not asked for granting immunity to the Defense Minister.The word ‘pressure is misleading.
There is, rather, what we call lobbying-- as is the case in the rest of the world,' said Moussa. He added that there are many entities trying to lobby the committee, including the Administrative Prosecution, different judicial entities, and unions for disabled people.'We do not call this [lobbying] pressure. This is lobbying and we accept that. In fact, we have to. Any entity, including the Armed Forces, tries to defend certain interests, but I do not call that pressure.'Moussa wondered why everybody seems to be talking about pressure from the Armed Forces while none seem to mention pressures by the judicial authority.'In the end, it is the 50-member committee that will decide and vote. We have listened to the judicial authority, but the final document will be decided on by the 50-member committee.'Edited translation from MENA

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