Friday, 25 October 2013

How to Hide your Cellulite

Cellulite, the most common problem women have when it comes to theirbody. Cellulite can be very hard to get rid of but fortunately easy to hide. Here are 10 tips to help you cover up that orange peel:
1.Green Tea: full of antioxidants and low on calories, green tea is the best de-toxifier there is. It is beneficial on both the long and short run. Make sure you drink 3 cups of green tea every day.

2.Hydrate: good skin always starts with water. Hydrating your skin will help restore its vitality and make it appear firmer than it actually is. 8 cups of water are recommended daily.
3.Tan: take a tan, or get a spray-on. Tanned legs look toned and thinner. Make sure you avoid the 12-4 pm sun to avoid sun damage and don't forget your sun block.
4.Tone: tone your legs. Walk for at least a mile every day, get on your stair master, or even join the local gym to start with your leg/ thigh exercises. Leg and thigh exercises will be effective almost immediately and will get you in shape on the long run.
5.Say No to Soda: sugary drinks such as sodas and artificial fruit juices contain artificial sweeteners and preservatives that accelerate cellulite deposits. Freshly squeeze your own drinks and avoid anything that has more than fruit / water.
6.Coffee scrubs: use your black coffee residue to scrub it into your skin for added firmness. Coffee is known to have an astringent effect that tightens up the skin. Refrigerate your coffee residues and add some olive oil to be used as a massage scrub in the shower. Massage in circular motion for 15 minutes, leave on for 30 minutes, and wrap your thighs with cellophane to warm up the area.
7.Massage Creams: massaging the area with specially formulated cellulite creams and serums will leave a noticeable effect on your thighs. However they don't work immediately and need persistence and a big budget.
8.Reflectors:  shimmer lotions and bronzers can take attention off your cellulite if applied correctly. Generously apply the shimmer reflectors on the cellulite infected area.
9.Improve circulation: using a body brush instead of a loofah in the shower can improve your circulation immensely and redispose cellulite.
10.Eat right: eating healthy food full of antioxidants like fruits and vegetables and fish containing omega oils will improve the quality of your skin all over. It does however require time but it’s also an effective method to control cellulite.

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