Monday, 16 September 2013

10 reasons for you to SMILE every morning

We all get busy and tangle ourselves in our miseries; forgetting everything we should be thankful for and everything God gave us. We look at the dark side of the sun and fail to see the bright light shining in our eyes! When the world turns off the light on you, read this and feel it glow again.

1. Be thankful for having eyes to read this; for some people in this world are not as healthy as you are!
2. Smile because you were one of the few people, who had the chance to learn something; who had the chance to go to school and make a good life for themselves.
3. Be happy for waking up this morning and getting another chance to get things right.
4. Embrace those who love you; there’s someone out there that thinks about you every day.
5. Look up every morning and thank God for giving you a roof over your head. Some people drown in rain every day.
6. Smile for being able to remember all the good and happy moments; smile for having joyous moments that outnumber your sorrows.
7. Thank God for clean water, healthy food, and peace in your country, because no matter how bad it is where you live, there’s someone out there that has it a hundred times worse.
8. Electricity, because we can’t live without that for even 15 minutes.
9. Appreciate the fact that you are FREE to do whatever you want to do, nothing can hold you down, people fought for your freedom, and the world is just a playground.
10. Smile because after every tear you cry, every pain you experience, and with every heart beat, God is working on a better plan for you anyway!

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