Thursday, 12 September 2013

Second date rules you need to know

Awkward silences and nervous chit chat that dominate your first date will give way to flirty banter and free flowing conversation come your second dalliance with your new gorgeous guy. Follow these simple rules to second date success.

Say no to a ‘second date’ text
If your new flame attempts to arrange the second date through text, dump him immediately. SMS should be assigned to short conversations with buddies or confirming meetings with coworkers. When it begins to dictate the boundaries of love or replace the value of a good old-fashioned phone call, then you can presume this new guy is flaky and lacks confidence in his conversation skills.
Ditch the first date jitters
First dates are usually fraught with a small amount of anxiety. Who should pick up the cheque? Are your table manners good enough? Did he notice the spinach stuck between your teeth? You are both trying to impress one another and frankly, it’s exhausting. On the second rendevouz, relax and put to the back of your mind any negative thoughts you have about yourself. He will find you much more appealing if you ooze sexy confidence rather than jangling nerves.
Hold back
Remember this is only the second date. You may feel way more relaxed than the first time you went out but put your whole self out there and you could regret not holding back more. If you spill to him your entire unedited autobiography along with the back catalogue of your life, you no longer remain interesting and what on earth will you talk about come the third date!
Don’t start making life plans
Ask your date to commit to a party in August, a weekend in September, and meeting your friends at Christmas - even on the second date – and you could find yourself sitting in alone on a Friday night. If you like this other person a lot, stay cool, calm and collected. Don't play all your cards at once, and don't make commitments so far in advance that you scare him off or worse – set yourself up for a fall.
Avoid the dating maze
The second date should be used as a platform to discover if you really like this guy or not. Once you step into third date territory people will start to presume you are a couple. Ask the right questions on a second date without seeming pushy and it could save a lot of wasted time three months ahead. Questions should be phrased in a way that makes him feel he is doing the chasing: “I would love to visit Macchu Piccu, would you?” could sound like you are planning a trip of a lifetime with him. Instead, mention some destinations you have visited and then ask if he has been to any of the same places. This way you can gauge if you have similar interests and tastes and it leaves the conversation open.

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